Wednesday, March 01, 2006


1 Delta County INDEPENDENT-Surface Creek Section-Know Your Neighbor
Thursday, September 21, 1961
2 ibid.
3 ibid.
4 January 6, 1906
5 Delta County INDEPENDENT-Surface Creek Section-Know Your Neighbor
Thursday, September 21, 1961
6 An historian researching the histories of mines in Colorado stated there were two entrances to the mine. One at the town level and the other along the tracks in the canyon.
7 Florence used the "evil eye" with her children and grandchildren Kathleen and Colleen, along with sitting in a chair.
8 Information about the William Jinkerson family provided by family member Joy Jinkerson.
9 Florence was also called Peggy by Hazel, her husband Leo, Mrs. Amelia Davis and possibly by her friends in Victor and Colorado Springs.
10 During the depression one of her daughter's needed some material and the dress was given to her, a decision that was later regretted. The picture taken at Aunt Nell's was treasured.
11 El Paso County decree dated April 10, 1923
12 Mike Graber of the Colorado Department of Water Resources
13 Delta County INDEPENDENT-Surface Creek Section-Know Your Neighbor
Thursday, September 21, 1961
14 ibid.
15 ibid.
16 ibid.
17 ibid.
18Burial date:March 18, 1934-Evergreen Cemetary, Leadville
19 This may have been why she never had children, as two prongs may have injured her reproductive organs.
20 I can remember grandpa as a kind, loving man, but have been told that in his earlier years he was a strong man with a temper. He was not a man to cross.
21 The city didn't make enough money to keep the rink open. It was turned into a firehouse.
22 Leo Thomas Jones still has the embroidered cap .
23 Hazel most likely filled out referrals also for her father and step-mother living in Colorado Springs and John Gelineau living in Michigan.
24 Most of the details from this article are used in chronological order in this history.
25 Louis Clifford Gelineau, who was living in Wyandotte, Wayne County, Michigan, died April 27, 1994.
26 Henry and Rose Winter, George and Pauline Ewald, Art and Bea Noorda
27 Kathleen was involved in gymnastics and track and field since she was about 10 years old. When living in Downey the family owned a horse. She was able to hold the dog tightly between her legs. With the intensity she used to beat on this dog (probably a German Shepard), it was wise for Connie to stand back, as Kathleen may have hit her if Connie attemped to pull her off of the dog.
28 Information for the May 9th dinner and the European trip came from notes Pat kept of these events. She gave a copy to Barbara, who sent them to Kathleen for this history.
29 Phyllis was traveling with two other widowed friends, all of them from Fresno, California.
30 C. Lindburg 1923 is also written down, but no other mention of what was seen.
31 It appears they were in Leadville August 25th and August 27th.
32 The roof was still water tight and in good shape at the time of her death.


Family stories shared by the JONES' children:
* Patricia Marie
** Barbara June
*** Leo Thomas
**** Constance Lee

This history was originally posted in October 1999 at the Lake County, Colorado pages.

I would like to give thanks to everyone who assisted me with the history at that time.

To Patricia Marie for recollections she shared shortly after Florence's death.
To Barbara June for recollections she shared from shortly after Florence's death until this history was completed six years later and originals or copies of pictures she shared. Also for proof-reading this work.
To Leo Thomas for recollections he shared in 1999 as the bulk of this history was written and the numerous pictures he scanned and shared.
To Constance Lee for recollections she shared shortly after Florence's death.
To my husband for the use of the high speed computer at his business.
To my family for their understanding of how time consuming this project has been and gave me the time I needed to complete it.
To my dearest friend Pamela Bunce for proof-reading this work.
To Lowell, Sheryl and Tammie Wastlund, owners and manager of Layton Hills Flower Box for the use of their scanning equipment.
To Addie Morrissey for placing numerous pictures on the Colorado Photo Project site. Errors were made in original messages that she corrected with patience and understanding.
And last, but most definantly not least, to Leroy Oldham, host of the Lake County, Colorado GenWeb for his patience and time in putting this history on the internet in our families behalf. There were numerous questions and corrections. He was speedy in fulfilling requests. He deserves a standing ovation.


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