Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Obituary-John Barlow

Death Claims Another Old Time Mining Man

John BARLOW Suddenly Passes Away

After Several Years of poor Health

Buried in Red Cliff.

John BARLOW, one of the old time miners of Leadville and Battle Mountain, reached the end of life's journey in a hospital in Glenwood Springs, last Friday, December 21.

Mr. BARLOW had been at the hospital for several weeks, but was cheerfully hopeful of spending Christmas with his family in Red Cliff.

Mr. BARLOW was born at Franklin Center, Canada, on November 2, 1880. He came with his parents to Leadville, Colo., at the age of fourteen months, where he grew to manhood. At the age of 26 he removed to Red Cliff and has since resided in Eagle county, for the past ten years of which time was spent on a ranch at Avon, having purchased the old Mack Fleck ranch, and that was his residence at the time of death.

Until the time of removal to the ranch he followed mining, first at Leadville and then on Battle mountain. For the past three years he has suffered with tuberculosis, which was the cause of his death.

In 1916 he was united in marriage to Mrs. Thomas OWENS. Besides his widow he is survivied by John OWENS of Grass Valley, Calif., Mrs. R.F. ROGERS, a daughter, of Granite, Colo;, and Mr. Walter OWENS of Avon, Colo.

He has two sisters living, Mrs. Nellie NOLAN and Mrs. May ALLISON, both of Victor, Colo., besides a number of nieces and nephews.

The funeral was held in the community church at Red Cliff on Monday, December 24, at 2 o'clock p.m., Rev A.R. DENNIS of Eagle officiated. Mrs. NORLANDER sang two beautiful solos. Mrs. BOWLAND accompanied her at the organ.

The pall bearers were: Mr. Fred KROELLING, Mr. Frank WALSH, Mr. Howard PHILLIPS, Mr. Pete DOYLE, Mr. L.C. SUMMERS and Mr. Jesse HEADLEY.

Interment was in Evergreen cemetery at Red Cliff, Mortician O.W. MEYER being in charge of the arrangements.

The deceased was an exceptionally good miner, and worked on some of the most important work on Battle Mountain after moving from Leadville to the Eagle county mining camp. He was employed by the Empire Zinc company in the most extensive development conducted by that company on their Battle Mountain properties--the driving of the long drift connecting the Newhouse tunnel with the Eagle mine No. 2, known locally as the Black Iron mine. He was a man of congenial disposition and well beloved by his fellow workmen and with all whom he came in close contact. He was a kind and devoted husband and father, and the community has lost a good citizen in the passing of Jack BARLOW.

(Eagle Valley Enterprise, p1 DATED: 28 Dec. 1928)


John Barlow of Avon passed on Friday morning in Glenwood Springs, from a protracted case of miner's T. B., the end coming unexpectedly, as up to almost the last hour he was hopeful of recovery, and wrote his wife in Red Cliff that he expected to be home for Christmas.

He was born in Franklin Center, Canada, coming to Leadville when only 17 months old. He moved to Red Cliff and Gilman in 1907, and was married to Mrs. Tom OWEN in 1916.

He followed the occupation of mining until about 10 years ago, at which time he purchased the old Mack Fleck ranch at Avon, where he had hoped to recuperate his failing health. Jack Barlow was the exceptional machine man in a mine. He was employed on the Empire Zinc property for years. It was he who drove the long 14 level drift from the Iron Mask over to the Black Iron workings. He did most of the upraising for the many ore pockets between the 14 and 16 levels and the loading pockets under the Newhouse tunnel. He paid the price like many other miners, sticking too close to the work they liked. Jack Barlow always was a favorite with his helpers.

He leaves a widow and two step sons, two sisters, Mrs. Nellie Nolan and Mrs. May Allison, both of Victor, several nieces and nephew and one step-daughter.

The funeral services will be conducted from their ranch home near Avon. Interment will be in the cemetery at Red Cliff where he always expressed a desire to be buried--nature's beauty spot for a last resting place; so the old timers are taking the long journey by twos and threes. Their ranks are thinning out. They finish their work and pass on.

Mrs Barlow and relatives have the sympany of many friends.

Paper and date unknown)

Also included in family records

Within the last few months this little community has lost by death thirteen grown people, the majority of whom were pioneers in this vicinity of whom were pioneers in this vicinity. They were:
Mame McMillan
Mrs. Dora Greiner
Joe Elliott
Mrs. Minnie Nye
Mrs. Ida Creighton
Mrs. M. A. Walsh
Stewart Collins
Mrs. Chas. McEllen
Mrs. W. W. Buell
Frank Gritmaker
Mrs. Anna Summ
Jack Barlow
Paul Wood
Verily the grim reaper is taking his toll.

Card Of Thanks

We desire to extend our sincere thanks to those who so kindly assisted in the sickness and death of our dear husband, father, brother, and uncle, especially to the doctor and nurses of the Hopkins Hospital of Glenwood, also Rev. Denton, Mr. and Mrs. Myers and Mr. Farman.

Mrs. Barlow
and children
Mr. and Mrs. Nolan
Mr. Tom Flannery
Mr. & Mrs. Leo Jones
Mr. & Mrs. D. Rogers


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