Ollie Meyer Obituaries
Passed Away At Gilman Hospital Monday Morning After Three Days IllnessMrs. Olivia Graham MEYER passed away at the Gilman hospital March. 19, after a brief illness. Mrs. MEYER had had her teeth extracted on Thursday, and the shock evidently caused her not to feel very well and she went to the hospital. She commenced to sink from the time she entered the hospital and the end came early Monday morning.
Mrs. MEYER was born in Red Cliff Jan. 7, 1890, to Emma and Aaron GRAHAM, a pioneer couple who came to Red Cliff in the early days of that town when it was a flush mining camp.
Her entire life was spent in Eagle County and given to the service of her community, and for the welfare and love of others. She was married to Oscar W. MEYER after World War I, in 1918, who until his death was an active citizen in the community and a leader in American Legion affairs, and a son of one the earliest pioneers of the County, having been born at Mitchell before the town of Red Cliff was founded.
Mrs. MEYER was a widely known educator, as a teacher, County superintendent of school, which office she held from 1915 to 1923. She was a graduate of the State Teachers College at Greeley; took post graduate work at Denver University and studied music at the Lamont School of Music, and had taught music and dramatic art. She was a member of the American Legion Auxiliary, in which she took an active part; of the Eagle County Pioneers' Association; Colorado Education
Association. She was a member of the Presbyterian Church, giving generously of her time and talents in keeping the community Church active for the benefit of the children and her young people.
Mrs. MEYER was well known for her hospitality and generosity as well as her public services. Just to know her was to love her. She will be long remembered and deeply mourned by her many friends. There was always a warm welcome in her home for everyone.
Into God's beautiful garden a message comes each day
To gather the choicest blossoms
And bear them with him away.
Dear God our garden will be lonely
Since you took our Ollie away.
But her life's perfume will linger
While the flowers bloom up there.
Funeral services for Mrs. MEYER will be held in Red Cliff at the high school auditorium at 2:30 o'clock on Sunday afternoon, March. 25. Rev. J. W. BARTRUG will conduct the service.
The Eagle Valley Enterprise 23 March 1945, Page 1
The funeral services for Ollie GRAHAM MEYER held in the high school auditorium in Red Cliff Sunday, were attended by one of the largest congregations of people to attend a funeral in Red Cliff for many years. Those attending were from every walk of life, young and old, for without question Mrs. MEYER was one of the most beloved persons in the County.The auditorium was crowded to capacity. Noticeable was the great number of children, scores of them seated in a body--these young people are the ones in Red Cliff who will miss the deceased lady the most.
The services were under auspices of the American Legion Auxiliary, of which Mrs. MEYER had been an active member, with Rev. John W. BARTRUG delivering the address. Following Mr. BARTRUG, the Auxiliary ladies read their ritual ceremony.
Throughout the services Mrs. R. NORDLANDER presided at the piano directing the music and playing soft music throughout the service. A women's chorus of eight voices sang "In the Garden", and Mrs. Katherine OWEN and Miss Geraldine MANUS of the chorus sang two duets, "Some Day He'll Make It Plain" and "Sunrise". Other members of the chorus were Esther Mae GARNER, Shirley SANDERS, Elinora WILLIAMS, Mae ERLANDSON, Angela FEAR, Myra
SQUIRES. The music was beautiful, and elicited much favorable comment.
The body was laid to rest in the Red Cliff cemetery, beside those of Mrs. MEYER'S father, mother and husband. Pall bearers were members of the American Legion, as follows: Forrest W. CAVE, John CADDY, Max KESSICKER, John BALDAUF, Emmett FLAHERTY, J. D. ALLEN.
The Eagle Valley Enterprise 30 March 1945
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